Qui định mới của thị trường French Polynesia về kiểm soát thủy sản nhập khẩu
On July 24, 2015, the competent authority of French Polynesia issued Decree No. 979 CM (replacing Decree No. 651 CM dated May 7, 1998) on veterinary hygiene and food safety requirements for products of animal origin (including seafood) imported into French Polynesia.
Accordingly, the competent authority of French Polynesia has issued specific requirements for each product exported to this market, along with a new certificate template effective from November 1, 2015.
For details, please refer to Official Dispatch No. 2507/QLCL-CL1 dated September 30, 2015, from the Department of Quality Management of Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishery Products and the attached Appendices.
Download the certificate template at: http://nafi6.gov.vn/thu-tuc/bieu-mau/bieu-mau-dang-ky-kiem-tra-chung-nhan-va-mau-chung-thu-5.html