Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia “Sản phẩm thuỷ sản – Cá tra phi lê đông lạnh”
On March 21, 2017, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development issued Circular No. 07/2017/TT-BNNPTNT on the promulgation of the National Technical Regulation "Aquatic Products – Frozen Pangasius Fillet," designated as QCVN 02 - 27: 2017/TT-BNNPTNT. This technical regulation took effect on May 5, 2017. According to the regulation, frozen pangasius fillet must have a glazing rate not exceeding 20% of the total weight and a water content not exceeding 86% of the net weight. Additionally, there are requirements regarding sensory properties (defects such as freeze burn, impurities, remaining bones, red spots, parasites, strange smells, and flavors) and food safety requirements (as per current regulations of the Ministry of Health), as well as regulations on labeling, packaging, and product preservation.
Download the Circular here.