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Điều chỉnh mẫu chứng thư cho các lô hàng tôm và sản phẩm tôm xuất khẩu vào thị trường Úc

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has just issued Notice No. 7644/BNN-CCPT dated October 25, 2023, regarding the new import regulations issued by the Department of Biosecurity, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry. This includes adjustments to the certificate templates for shrimp and shrimp products exported to this market. (Effective from October 30, 2023).

The following points need to be noted:

  1. All shrimp batches (regardless of whether they are fresh, boiled, breaded, etc.) must declare the Batch No.
  2. The determination of Batch No. must follow one of the three methods (as guided in the Footnote section of the certificate template).
  3. Changes to the heating temperature regulation for cooked shrimp and shrimp products: "heated to a core temperature of at least 65°C, fully cooked, and frozen after heating." 

Details of the document and appendices can be viewed here.

Certificate template: Download here.