Thông báo thời gian áp dụng mẫu chứng thư mới cho các lô hàng thuỷ sản xuất khẩu vào thị trường Anh
On April 15, 2024, the Department of Quality, Processing, and Market Development (NAFIQPM) issued Official Letter No. 708/CCPT-ATTP announcing new regulations on import control by the UK authority. These regulations include adjustments to the certification templates for seafood exports to this market. Third countries (including Vietnam) must adopt the new certification templates starting from April 30, 2024. To comply with import market regulations and minimize potential issues, the Regional Center for Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality (Region 6) will issue new certification templates upon request from enterprises starting from April 19, 2024.
Details of the official letter and the certification templates can be viewed here
Official Letter No. 708/CCPT-ATTP.